I figured I’d open this one up with a double-header statement, mostly because these two ideas have become synonymous these days.
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away” and the idea that God brings us things like sickness and tragedy to teach us a lesson have pretty much gone hand in hand for many years, skipping down the street like a pair of hyper-destructive, bizarro wonder twins that blissfully sprinkle rose petals reeking of hypocrisy for people to pick up and blame God for. Start blog with ridiculous, but nevertheless reader-intriguing imagery: check. “But seriously, folks” (in my best vaudeville voice). Now, these things have been said by really well-meaning people. And you may be wondering, Sam, why open up this can, dude? If you want to be a Christian artist, just talk about people’s life situations and tell them you’ve been through them too in some lyrical way. Tell them there’s an answer for it, but that you don’t know what it is, because that’d be presumptuous. Pick a 3rd world country and tell your fans you’re going to send water or something. But really, this theological stuff? How’s that supposed to work for PR? And you want to affect and work in the secular market? How you going to get in there with blog posts about God? Oh, so I suppose I should just decide to campaign about meat being murder in my vegatable-fueled tour bus or write for the political hatred of disgruntled fifteen year olds, because that’s so much less “edgy” or “risky” or “niche market”? Seriously? Why is it that some people see talking about Christianity as so much riskier than wearing a meat dress? I’m not trying to insult anyone who does any of these things, I celebrate their right to free speech, I’m just challenging the “understood” double standard surrounding Christianity. At any rate, as I said before, people have meant well when they said these things. But I want to be real, and brave, and substantial enough to look at the harder questions. And, I should be comfortable enough in my relationship with God to ASK those “harder” questions. For many, I think they just believe it’d be insubordination to ask the Lord honest questions, and then they teach from that perspective, but if you ask me, that’s not much of a relationship. Some tend to want to argue that God doesn’t care about our personal little quandries because he’s “got bigger things to worry about”, but here’s one thing you’ll hear me say over and over; I want judge things based on the Bible. So the aforementioned statement above doesn’t compute. How could God NOT care about our questions and even the small details of our lives when Matthew ch. 10 says, “ 29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin[k]? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” So in this time when we’ve had school shootings and a hundred other terrible things people want to debate about on the internet, we’ve had people throwing about these religious statements, which has really just miffed others more where God is concerned. And the obvious question becomes, “Well, why would I ever serve a God like THAT?” You know something? THAT is a great question. Because I probably wouldn’t want to either. The best way to learn about the personality of God is to look at the Bible. First off, yes, it’s true that we view the Bible as penned by the Holy Spirit through the hands of many inspired authors, but one thing I was always told is that when you read it, you have to consider who is saying what, and toward whom it is directed. So here, let’s focus on that whole statement, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away” for this blog. Uh yeah, that’s in the Bible, but GOD DIDN’T SAY IT. Yerp. How about that? Actually, it was said by Job right after a ton of terrible things happened to him. In Job 1, “20 At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship 21 and said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.[c] The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” 22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.” Well hey Sam, look! It says Job didn’t sin by charging God with wrongdoing! That means he was right! Not quite. Now, don’t you think that if I was scared, I’d have just left that verse out? But no, it’s there, so let’s address it. To really find the answer to this, we have to look at the whole Bible, and not just one or two verses of scripture. We have to look at what God says about Himself, and we have to know the context that this scripture is talking about in terms of sin. And we have to remember that this stuff is translated from Hebrew. First of all, how did all this crazy stuff happen to Job? Why? Well, it had nothing to do with God wanting it to happen. Job chapter 3 tells how “the thing Job greatly feared had come upon him”. He was living in the Old Covenant, an imperfect system that even God was working to change (which was what Jesus was all about, FYI). Job was continually offering the same sacrifice over and over out of fear for sins his family might commit. This was a breach in his faith, it was based in an attitude of fear, and according to how sacrifices worked, this was wrong altogether. So yeah, enter Satan (oh dear Sam, did you just say Satan on the internet?), well, yeah, Satan, da debbil, appears at the beginning of Job, complaining to God about how PROTECTED AND BLESSED Job was. But Job’s act of fear was Satan’s foot in the door. It was the crack in his protection. Satan was telling God “if I do this stuff to him, he’ll curse you!” And Job never cursed God. His wife did though, Job 2 9 His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!” Now, despite the fact that Job continues to see these things as coming from God, God himself says otherwise IN THE BOOK OF JOB. Job 2 6 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.” So, the Lord said that Job was in the hands of the devil (at least, to some extent) , not God, because Job had taken himself out of the full protection of God through his act of fear. NOT because God wanted bad things to happen to Job, but God was bound by spiritual law in the matter. However, Job was still God’s dedicated guy and wouldn’t curse him, which was why he couldn’t be killed altogether. Now, instead of taking it from Job’s mouth, why don’t we look at what GOD actually SAYS ABOUT HIMSELF and Satan. This is Jesus speaking in John 10:10 “10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Well, that on it’s own seems pretty definitive, right? So what does Job 1:22 mean when it says that Job didn’t sin? Well, again, the whole preface of the book of Job was that Satan was telling God, “If I do terrible things to that guy, he’ll curse you to your face!” This scripture is saying that Job never did that, he never proved the devil right. He never cursed God, even when he believed God was the source of his calamity (when in reality, He wasn’t). I've also heard it taught that there is no place that it evidences that Job even knew the devil existed. So, in his mind, these things could have only come from God (which wasn't true, but it was all he knew!) Want more proof? Ok. How about this? God only has plans to bless us, right? (Jeremiah 29:11, another striking example of God speaking on His own behalf about His will to do good things for us). 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Ok, so even if Job was WRONG in his statement about the Lord, would that be a sin, or just a mistake? Just a MISCONCEPTION? Because again, whose word is more weighty, God’s word about himself, or a man’s word about God? So in the end of the book of Job, Job makes this statement after talking with God and his somewhat midguided friends, right after God speaks in correction to set things straight. Job says; “You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.” So Job repents. Dude, Sam, I hear Christianese people saying ‘repent’ all the time. Yeah, but do you know what it means? It means to change your thinking, to turn around and go the other way. To “get back to the top” (re=go back, pent (as in penthouse)=top). But somehow, in this haze of school shootings and all that, we’ve still had a lot of misrepresentation of God and His will. Here’s some scriptures that refute a lot of what we hear. 1 Peter 2:24 He personally bore our sins in His [own] body on the tree [as on an altar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Ephesians 1;7 7 In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor, So, from all scriptural accounts, God has no interest in punishing us, that’s why Jesus came, so that we wouldn’t even get the punishment we deserved. And part of Jesus’ sacrifice was making healing available, separating sickness and tragedy as works of the devil, not God. So why all the scriptures? We ain’t in a church building, Sam. That may be true, but aren’t you tired of Christians giving you religious stuff without backing it up with the actual Bible? And these days, we have so much more and better things than Job did. We now have the sacrifice of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We don’t have to give 8 billion different sacrifices anymore because it’s been taken care of, we just have to receive the sacrifice that’s been made for us. I’ll top this off by saying this: lots of really nice, but religious people still believe this “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh” thing. They’re still great, committed people, and I’m not saying they don’t have a relationship with God. But I’ll say this; people that I know of who have REAL results in their lives and show a lot of EVIDENCE that they have a relationship with God/are led by the Holy Spirit in a real and practical way, and not some weird spooky way, also believe that this was Job talking in his limited understanding and not some doctrine-building cornerstone. These are people that spend a lot of time allowing themselves to be corrected and led by God in their personal lives, and Job 1:21-22 doesn’t give them grievance. So at the end of the day, you can believe what you want, but I have found more than enough proof to say that we’re propitiating a lie when we tell people God took their unborn child, or killed their loved one. Because, again, John 10:10 “10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” So, in the next blog, we’re gonna pair this up with it’s sister statement, “Oh, The Lord did that terrible thing to teach us a lesson.” Yeah. We’ve got to talk about that next.
Kim Whitney
11/26/2013 11:52:35 pm
Thank you for that understanding. It is so comforting to me to read that explanation.
11/27/2013 01:12:55 am
No problem! I'm glad you got something out of it.
Elizabeth carroll
12/15/2015 12:16:51 am
I have been trying to figure out the meaning behind the lord giveth and the lord taketh away.
John Eisel
12/4/2016 01:39:06 am
Actually your understanding is somewhat superficial. Job was trusting in his own righteousness rather than simply trusting in God. Only God is righteous, so when you trust in God alone, by faith you have the righteousness of God.
Jean Marie
11/20/2016 03:16:00 pm
Peace my friends+ I find comfort and great Thanksgiving in that my Father in Heaven knows what's best for me. Just like a Father who tells his teenage daughter "you can't ride this motercycle with out a helmet" she's upset...everyone else is doing it...and so will I! . So He says "I'm doing this for your own good, and I must take away this motercycle, you will understand one day I did it b/c I love you"
J moore
4/2/2017 04:46:38 am
I had cancer too , but I believe God sent JESUS to save us and heal us .
Carlos Jimenez
5/14/2021 08:55:16 am
I like how you explained it!!So gracefully and funny too lol.Thank you brother.
12/3/2013 08:53:27 pm
Well done my friend. I really enjoyed reading that.It really spoke to me.
12/5/2013 01:25:58 am
Thanks a lot, that's great to know!
6/1/2018 06:01:21 am
Andrew your words echo mine.
2/4/2014 10:39:30 am
Hey This Is Exactly what I Believe. Thank You and here are some more scriptures that proves God don't punish. Ephesians 1:7-10 (MSG) and Galatians 3:13-14 (msg)
Samuel Day
8/1/2014 01:22:33 am
Thanks for those scriptures!
Sister Christian
2/5/2014 12:34:34 pm
I really needed to understand this! I have been afraid and felt i couldn't help it. Maybe a significant part of my breakthrough is living life unafraid of naysayers. Could my own fear have given said foothold? Thank you so much for this post!
8/1/2014 01:23:48 am
No problem! Fear is an enemy, that's why there's this scripture:
I was having my morning quiet time with Jesus and felt the need go google, "The Lord giveth and taketh away." I'm glad I did because this post is exactly what I needed to read and understand. My family and I are going through a fun season of life and I kept thinking of Job this morning and having our good season taken away. I knew it was the enemy but this gave me the full understanding I need. The Holy Spirit drove me to this post, and I'm grateful He did! :)
8/1/2014 01:24:33 am
That's pretty awesome. I'm glad this blog could be helpful to you. Feel free to share it!
8/22/2014 04:56:20 am
Thank You so much people needed to know that was not coming for God,I just was telling one of my brother in the lord about that scripture and thanks
12/18/2014 06:11:31 pm
To “get back to the top” (re=go back, pent (as in penthouse)=top).
12/18/2014 06:13:23 pm
Middle English: from Old French repentir, from re- (expressing intensive force) + pentir (based on Latin paenitere ‘cause to repent’).
Carolyn Criswell
1/26/2015 12:42:38 pm
1/26/2015 12:45:57 pm
This is an awesome, much needed sermon! Thanks for sharing!
3/17/2015 02:42:04 am
No problem!
3/12/2015 12:45:06 pm
I couldn't help but stumble upon your page...while I would consider myself agnostic - the part of me that wants to believe, the part of me that wants to be comforted by God and all that encompasses, keeps hearing "the Lord giveth and taketh away". Is it a coincidence that this week, I had the lives of 2 living beings in my hands...and sadly, I made the decision to end both - My adopted dog and my unborn child. I can't get it out of my head....on the same day that I began the process to end life inside of me, my dog began showing symptoms that he could not breath and the next day, I made the decision to stop his suffering. Again, I am not religious....and I would consider myself agnostic, but I still wonder if somehow my choices were connected.
3/17/2015 02:55:06 am
I'm sorry to hear about your rough experiences. When things like that happen, we have to remember that not everything that happens is because of God. He doesn't "cause" everything that happens, there are a lot of things involved. However, we should also remember that God doesn't want us condemned, but loves us. That's why he sent Jesus, and all we have to do is accept him as the gift that he is. It's a classic, but John 3:16 says God so LOVED the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish (experience spiritual death), but have everlasting life. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the best thing I can tell you is this: God WANTS to comfort you more than you even want to be comforted. God doesn't "take away" the way many people have said he does, as I explain in the blog above. The devil wants to take away. Abortion is hard on people, and it isn't my place to be judgemental toward you. All I can tell you is that Jesus still loves you, and accepting him by saying that you believe he died and then got back up again conquering death for you is accepting that comfort. That doesn't mean you won't still have some hard days or challenges, but focusing on God's grace and the forgiveness we have through Jesus is where that comfort is. Then you start to have a personal relationship with him, getting into the Word of God, having a prayer life, listening to good teaching, being part of a church body of people wherever the Lord leads you, and the healing power and process is there.
3/22/2015 07:45:23 pm
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Hopefuls art
4/22/2015 09:59:42 pm
Thank you for this post. I have had 7 miscarriages and have been told that God needed more Angels and so I should not grieve my loss. I believed that lie. No more!!!! God is Love. He gives life.
6/24/2015 09:58:37 pm
Recently I have had a family member to commit suicide with irreversible brain damage. However, his lungs and heart continued to work without any support. He lived for over two weeks like this. Lungs and heart functioning. The family has comforted ourselves in believing that God said NO. We comforted ourselves in saying that God said NO, it is not your decision to take your life...your life is mine. I make the decision when you die. Is there any truth in this. And is it true that we do have an appointed time to die and that it can come in tragedies or in long illnesses. One other question is that you say satan sends these devastating events to disprove God is a good God. If God is sovereign, why does He allow satan from inflicting all of this sadness, hunger, hatred? (Lots of questions but needed answers or understanding). Thank you for helping in your understanding.
9/24/2015 01:15:59 pm
Hey Sam,
10/19/2015 05:08:35 pm
I am a Christian of 45yrs and I know what I say , You are gifted of the Lord never doubt it.
10/21/2015 10:51:30 am
Thank you so much this is great cogent presentation of the truth !! People rarely see that Job had sin in the form of fear. Their is massive misunderstanding that Job is the oldest book in the Bible & he couldnt have known who the enemy really was. Your scripture references are terrific & right on !! I agree with the person who said this was comforting & it truly is! Thank you & bless you for posting this .
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12/31/2015 05:35:13 am
I can't believe you came to post a comment like that on a site like this. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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1/2/2016 10:04:46 am
This is silly, God is omnipotent. This means all powerful, all knowing , all seeing etc meaning nothing is above him. God is everything and nothing, the alpha and the omega yes? God truly does give and take away then because "spiritual law" implies forces higher than God. Who enforces these laws?
Ian Hannah
9/3/2024 12:47:09 am
Satan got permission from God to afflict Job (which he thoroughly did) but no permission to kill Job. Why is God’s omnipotence so hard for people to understand. Your comment is one of the few which show understanding.
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1/12/2016 02:31:24 pm
What a really awesome post this is. Truly, one of the best posts I've ever witnessed to see in my whole life. Wow, just keep it up.
THANK YOU SAM. I CRINGE when I hear pastors,leaders,believers etc. using this scripture in reference to loved ones that have died because I understand that it is not in context. Thank you so much for shedding light on this. I was thinking of doing a blogpost myself on it. God bless you and thank you God for revelation and believers who are on the same page!
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11/27/2016 11:31:08 am
The fault of this article lies in a misunderstanding of the sovereignty of God. Generally, the way people think about the "issue" addressed in this article is dependant upon whether they tend to have Armenian tendencies or Reformed views. Arminians always feel like they need to explain away the actions of God, where those with a reformed view of Scripture do not as they are satisfied with all of Scripture and with God's goodness and true sovereignty. They trust Him no matter what without needing to know all the answers. In fact, Isaiah 55:8-9 and Job 1:21 are the only proper responses to calamities. God allowed them to occur when he could have easily stopped them, and so God will always be "on the hook" for any and all incidents. Indeed, Amos 3:6 seems to corroborate this idea. I suppose, though, the author of this article will explain this part of the Bible away as well by saying it was only a man who spoke it - thus rejecting the inherrant nature of God's Word. No, to be intellectually honest and true to the whole text, the Christian ought to understand that nothing happens that is outside of God's will or that God did not allow. Instead of trying to get God off the hot seat, the believer can rest assured, certain of God's sovereignty, omnipotence, and goodness, that there is a valid reason - although unbenounced to us - for whatever happens in this lifetime, whether it be a blessing or a tragedy.
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Dorothea Wise
8/31/2018 04:51:47 am
The bible says "my people die because of lack of knowledge". Thank you for bringing clarity to the word! I like you know God plans for our lives are beyond what we could ever or think! He's a good father! Blessings.
7/25/2019 01:44:45 pm
1st - This is an excellent article. I was actually trying to find the verse found in Job 1:21. I've always ascribed this verse to our lack of knowlege about the nature of God and Satan. It's a hard pill to swallow that God allows horrible things to happen. Mankind (can we still use gender specific pronouns?) set this in motion by our original sin and subsequent sins. Anyway.... this is a great article!
Bernie Patterson
7/5/2022 05:45:08 am
Well done. After a woman asked me to pray for her daughter’s baby (who miscarried), the Lord asked me if I knew why so many do? He said, “Because they believe they can!” Then He quoted Job 3:25. People also seem to forget that Man lost dominion over the earth and Satan could do whatever he wanted. Jesus got this back, but many believer’s don’t know the authority we have in His name. Stay blessed!
Joseph W Faubion
11/10/2022 07:58:24 am
I believe that Job is quoted and his statement is purely a statement of his relationship with God. Job was letting God be God. God does give. God does take. He is God. Who can question his actions? God does kill. God does heal and raise some from death.
3/3/2023 05:57:35 pm
Thank you for discussing this important topic as more than ever people are struggling with mental health issues, money problems, insecurity, anxiety, various fears, troubled relationship and some sadly are becoming prescription drug addicts as they try to numb and escape the emotional pain within. Meanwhile the unhealthy side effects of drug use are causing many premature deaths. Thankfully, holistic natural remedies and the supernatural divine intervention of our Creator also exist to heal and transform humanity. ~ Paul F. Davis from https://PropheticPowerShift.com/
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